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Turning Tables Danmark Kofoed Ibsen Glas


Messing, stål, mundblæst glas, glasrør, LED-lys / Brass, steel, mouthblown glass, LED lights


H 200 cm L 95 cm D 50 cm


INSPIRATION Kulturlab Kapellet på Assistens Kirkegård 2200 København / The Culture Lab Chapel at Assistens Cemetery 2200 Copenhagen Værket associerer med sin langstrakte, instrumentagtige figur til den musik, som er omdrejningspunkt for Kulturlab Kapellet. Kapellets runde vinduer kaster lyscirkler på væggene og tegner tiden i det storslåede rum. Lys- Basunen er et hængende flerfarvet lysinstrument, der akkompagnerer kapellets rytmiske lysindfald. I dagslys tilføjer de farvede glas enkelte punkter af farvet lys på væggene, når solen rammer. I mørke tændes Lys-Basunens strengeagtige lamper og kaster et blødt lys ud i rummet. / With its elongated instrument-like shape, the piece refers to music, which is at the heart of Kulturlab Kapellet (the Culture Lab Chapel). The chapel’s round windows throw circles of light on the walls and mark the course of time in the magnificent space. The Light Trumpet is a suspended, multi-coloured instrument of light that accompanies the chapel’s rhythmic influx of light. In daylight, the coloured glass adds individual spots of coloured light on the walls when struck by the sun. In the dark, the Light Trumpet’s string-like lamps switch on and throw a soft glow into the space of the chapel.

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